Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 23 ISSUE 2
Written by Ionut Valentin LOM, Iulia CAPRIAN
Production risk insurance is a mandatory component of any effective management system in all areas of economic activity. In agriculture, where production activities, primarily in crop cultivation, are subject to the influence of uncontrolled natural factors - droughts, hail, heavy rains, hurricanes, abnormal temperature fluctuations, etc., risk insurance remains an objective necessity. The study conducted by the authors in this paper on the level of development of agricultural insurance in the Republic of Moldova highlights the poor development and low interest of farmers in agricultural risk insurance products. The application of statistical analysis tools and content analysis allowed the authors to conclude that the problem of agricultural risk insurance could be solved to some extent by the implementation of the Agriculture Index Insurance method by insurers. At the same time, the association of groups of agricultural producers in the establishment of mutual agricultural insurance companies based on public-private partnership principles would increase the insurance coverage of this sector.
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