Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 23 ISSUE 2
Written by Casiana MIHUȚ, Nicoleta MATEOC-SÎRB, Anișoara DUMA COPCEA, Simona NIȚĂ, Iaroslav LAȚO, Valeria CIOLAC, Antoanela COZMA, Adalbert OKROS
The values obtained give us a series of information related to the factors present in the soil, factors that affect or limit the fertility and quality of these soils, such as: humus content, reaction, degree of settlement, etc. whose knowledge is particularly important because a series of improvement or limitation measures can be taken in time allowing the practice of sustainable agriculture. In the current context of climate change, both soils and crops are particularly vulnerable to a series of changes and environmental factors. In this context, the sustainable use of soils aims at improving soil quality and obtaining higher and qualitatively significant productions. This can only be achieved by knowing soil physical, physical-mechanical and chemical properties. This paper shows a series of soil properties, such as texture, densities, porosities, pH, humus content, total nitrogen content (%), mobile phosphorus (ppm), mobile potassium (ppm) content and soil settlement degree (%) in the seven types of soil identified within the studied perimeter.
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