Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 23 ISSUE 2
Written by Motlalepule SEEMA
South African farmers’ population is declining while those in business are struggling to remain economically viable due to the prevailing economic realities, which include the confluence of global market dynamics, and rising input costs that exert negative impact on the farmers’ income. Agritourism is becoming an increasingly popular alternative form of agricultural enterprise development designed to expand farm income through better and more intensive utilization of existing farm resources. Three hundred questionnaires were distributed to selected farmers obtained from a population of 3,500 using Cochran’s sample size formula. Multiple linear regression was used to analyze the relationships between the characteristics of the farmers’ household and farm business as independent variables. Majority (70.9%) of farmers shows positive interest in offering agritourism because of its ability to stimulate local economic activities and the perceived economic benefits of increased revenues and farmer’s livelihood. The study underscores the potential of agritourism justifying the urgent need to formulate valuable guidelines for the protection and development of the enterprise.
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