Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 23 ISSUE 2
Written by Marianna VASILCHENKO, Elena DERUNOVA
Sustainable development of the production potential of the agro-food complex is inextricably linked with the introduction of innovative methods and approaches to production. The purpose of the article is to develop theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of sectoral features of the innovative development of production potential. The analysis carried out revealed significant differences in the level of innovative development of agricultural sectors. The study applied the method of normalizing resource intensity indicators in relation to threshold values, which made it possible to determine the degree of innovativeness of the components of the resource potential. The efficiency of costs for innovation activity is calculated, it is revealed that the lowest cost efficiency is typical for dairy cattle breeding and grain production. To identify trends in intersectoral innovative development, the article uses SWOT analysis tools. A matrix of innovative development of Russian regions has been developed on the example of the dairy cattle breeding industry, which reflects the degree of contribution of resources to the dynamics of the production of innovative products. This approach is aimed at determining the optimal values of resources to achieve sustainable innovative development of the sectors of the agro-food complex.
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