Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 23 ISSUE 3
Written by Florin Cristian CIOBĂNICĂ
The qualification of human resources through the training of practical skills at the secondary level represents a challenge for professional and ethnic education, in the context of economic decentralization and the massification of higher education. Thus, we can ask ourselves if the gap between work and education, respectively that between professional requirements and skills, is the result of the lack of jobs or the lack of skills? Following the same line of ideas, these two overlapping crises may be the result of poor coordination between the actors interested in this problem, namely: education and training providers for the labour market, ministries and representatives of the government administration, employers, and, not lastly, the young people. The purpose of this study is to provide concise data regarding the current situation of vocational and technical education (VET) in Romania, which will serve as fundamental information for ongoing and future discussions regarding the new generation of education and training programs. The results showed that vocational education in a dual system, based on the German model, could represent an alternative for relaunching vocational education in Romania and a solution to facilitate the transition of young people to the labour market. The key factor of dual education is the practical component it emphasizes, developing the professional skills of young people directly at the workplace.
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