Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 23 ISSUE 3
Written by Paula STOICEA, Elena SOARE, Valentina Constanta TUDOR, Marius Mihai MICU, Mirela DUȘĂ, Andreea FIRĂȚOIU, Mihnea-Iulian VASILIU
In order to obtain a good yield and high profitability for the winter wheat crop, a good interaction between the plant and the environment is needed for carrying out a strategic planning of the best agricultural practices. The most representative ones aim at the choice of varieties with genetic characteristics and high production capacity, the application of an optimal level of fertilization and the integrated fight against pathogens, which are key factors that contribute to increasing the productivity and quality of wheat harvests. The paper presents the analysis of the yield and profitability of the wheat crop in three large crop farms of different sizes in Romania. From the analysis carried out, in order to reach the profitability threshold, the following results were highlighted: on the farm of 60 ha, in the year 2021, on a cultivated area of 35.5 ha, the total production realized and sold must be 214.41 tons; on the farm of 600 ha, the cultivated area being 86 ha, the total production obtained and sold must be 514.24 tons; on the 3,000 ha farm, which had a cultivated area of 709.62 ha, the total cultivated and sold production must be 4,209.48 tons. It is necessary to specify the fact that in 2019 and 2020 the profitability threshold could not be reached, in most cases. This situation was due to drought, high production costs and low farm gate prices. The conclusion of the study is that the profitability of the winter wheat crop is difficult to be increased, taking into account the high and growing production expenses registered annually by farmers. In this situation, the increase in farm dependence on subsidies to ensure a favourable raw product for the winter wheat crop has clearly emerged.
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