Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 23 ISSUE 4
Written by Ayodeji ADEDIRE, Olaide AKINTUNDE, Timothy AGBOOLA, Moruff SHITTU
The widening supply-demand gap of poultry products in Nigeria calls for urgent attention toward improving the production and productivity of poultry with a special interest in underutilized poultry species. This study was carried out to examine the level of production of underutilized poultry species and the factors influencing it in the Iwo ADP Zone of Osun State. A multistage sampling procedure was adopted to select 150 poultry farmers for the study. Data were obtained through physical interview of the farmers, then analysed using descriptive statistics and ordinary least square (OLS) regression. Results showed higher percentage of males in poultry production and mean age of the poultry farmers was 49.19±12.40 years with a mean length of experience in poultry keeping of 11.0±7.4 years and mean flock size of 68± 17. It was deduced from the study that majority (77.3%) of the poultry farmers had no or limited access to extension services. As determinants of the rearing of underutilized poultry species in the study area, results of multiple linear regressions showed the coefficients of the age of poultry farmers, and length of poultry farming experience was positive and statistically significant (P< 0.01). Household size was also positive and statistically significant (P< 0.05). Based on the findings, the study, therefore recommends the need for an enlightenment campaign and awareness on the importance of rearing underutilized poultry species and strengthening the livestock extension services for effective and result-oriented service delivery to the poultry farmers.
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