Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 23 ISSUE 4
Written by Iuliana ANTONIE, Ghizela VONICA, Elena Cosmina CAIBAR
For beekeepers, understanding the honey base in their area is crucial to producing quality honey. Placing hives in locations with adequate nectar and pollen sources can lead to honey production with area-specific properties. In addition, knowledge of the honey flora in a certain region can help identifying optimal times for nectar collection. It is also important to monitor and manage the honey flora in order to maintain bee health and ensure the availability of food sources. This research has two objectives: identification of the honey flora in Sibiel village, Sibiu county, Romania and the quality analysis of honey collected from the area. The honey bee flora was analysed according to several classification criteria: botanical, by the type of food provided to the bees, by biological and economic criteria. In the laboratory, the following quality analyses of honey samples from the four hives studied were carried out: acidity index, electrical conductivity, pH and water content determination. The results obtained show that Sibiel has a honey production base that ensures maintenance, development and even production for upcoming years, and that the honey is a natural, high quality product with high chances of certification.
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