Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 23 ISSUE 4
Written by Ana Cornelia BUTCARU, Ionela Mițuko VLAD, Cosmin Alexandru MIHAI, Liliana BĂDULESCU, Gina FÎNTÎNERU, Florin STĂNICĂ
This study aims to present the life cycle cost (LCC) for 1 kg of pear produced using organic technology in Southern Romania. Two principal stages were depicted: production stage costs (PC) and Transport costs (TC). For each stage, investment and operational costs were determined. Pear orchard establishment (POE), the first I-III years of orchard management (without harvest) (OM.I-III), and IV-XX years of orchard management (OM.IV-XX) were analyzed considering the elemental activities included. Three scenarios were applied for fertilization: (S1) compost produced at the farm level using a composter Oklin GG-50S combined with the one produced on outdoor platform in the farm, mainly from vegetable sources. (S2) compost from the outdoor platform for organic residues, and (S3) acquisition of a commercial organic fertilizer. The total LCC for 1 kg of pear ranged between 0.400 € (S2), 0.481 € (S3), and 0.496 € (S1). Details regarding the LCC components and optimization were presented.
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