Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 23 ISSUE 4
Written by Sorin IONITESCU
The purpose of the study was to analyze the main indicators carried out in agriculture for assessing the contribution of agriculture to the economic development in Romania in the period 2013-2022 based on the data provided by National Institute of Statistics. The data were processed using fixed and structural indices, regression equations, determination coefficient, graphical illustrations and comparisons. The results highlighted that in the studied period, Romania's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased 2.21 times reaching Lei 1,409 Billion in 2022. Agriculture produced Lei 63.04 Billion GDP in 2022, and its contribution to Romania's GDP is 4.5%. Gross Value Added (GVA) increased 2.28 times in the economy accounting for Lei 1,282.3 Billion in 2022. Despite that GVA raised by 118.6% in agriculture, accounting for Lei 58.98 Billion in 2022, agriculture's contribution was only 4.6%. Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) raised in the economy by +131.55% accounting for Lei 377,2 Billion in 2022, but in agriculture it was very small, only Lei 2.65 Billion. Net Investment Rate (NIR) was 27.4% in 2022, but in agriculture only 4.5%. A decline by 8.7% in the number of employees was noticed in the economy, employment reaching 7,806 thousand persons in 2022, but in agriculture the reduction was 65.7% remaining only 878 thousand employees. Despite that both export and import value increased, the trade balance was a negative one, the deficit at the end of 2022 being EUR -34,101 Million. The agro-food export value raised by +126.32% and reached EUR 11,960 Million in 2022, which means that agriculture contributes by about 13% to Romania's exports, while the contribution to imports raised by +167.54%, accounting for EUR 13,248.6 Million. The deficit in the agro-food trade balance accounted for EUR -1,288.6 Million, Romania being a net importing country. Despite of its increased contribution to GDP and GVA, agriculture is facing a gap versus industry and services in GFCF and NIR. Without a better technical endowment and higher investment, agriculture cannot apply modern technologies to increase production and sustain internal market and export and to diminish imports.
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