Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 23 ISSUE 4
Written by Steliana MOCANU
This paper aims to present an updated evolution of vegetable agricultural production in Vrancea county, during the period 2017-2021, with focus on the county's contributions in total at the country level, using the National Institute of Statistics (NIS) as principal data source. In order to meet the objectives, the methodology of research was based on indicators frequently used in papers about vegetable agricultural production, represented as values and/or percentage units. In 2021, Vrancea county detained 108 civil employment population (with 17% less than in 2017), through 22 employers in agriculture (52% less than in 2017). Among the main findings from the analyse are the following: the areas cultivated with corn grains, oat, sunflower, vegetables (all), dried onion, tomatoes, total fruits trees, plum, apples, pears, cherries and burgundy decreased among the county between 2017 and 2021 period and the areas cultivated with wheat, barley and vineyards in bearing increased. About the production, at the county level, the production of wheat, oat, barley, total fruit trees, plum, apple, pears, cherries, burgundy and grapes increased and the productions like: corn grains, sunflowers, vegetables (all), dried onion, tomatoes, decreased in the analysed period (2017-2021). From the conclusions of this paper, we found out that besides the good image in terms of wine fields, is observed that total fruit production increased by 50%, which can mean a new growth area of the county, regarding of vegetable agricultural production.
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