Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 23 ISSUE 4
Written by Emmanuel Oben NJOCK, Majory MELIKO, Raoul Fani Choumbou DJOMO
The importance of crop diversification and its scope is underscored by the contribution that agriculture makes to the development of other economically productive industries. This study was conducted to evaluate the reasons behind crop diversification, its degree, and the variables affecting it among small and medium-sized farmers in Cameroon. Through a multi-stage sampling process, 457 small-scale farmers and 163 medium-scale farmers in total were sampled. The degree of crop diversity was evaluated using descriptive statistics, and the factors affecting crop diversification among small and medium farmers were identified using the Tobit regression model. The analysis revealed that crop diversification was high for both small and medium scale farmers, with a mean Herfindahl index of 0.44 and 0.38 respectively. As a result of the rising need for food production to address the problem of hunger, poverty, and malnutrition levels in the nation, the results also showed that the production of cassava and cocoyam, as well as the household size, had a positive and substantial effect on crop diversification. Credit usage and household size were found to have a favorable and significant impact on crop diversification for medium-scale farmers, suggesting that family labor and access to credit encourage farmers to diversify their crops and enhance their well-being. Emphasis on training and credit accessibility should be encouraged to increase cassava and cocoyam output.
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