Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Slavica ARSIĆ, Nataša KLЈAJIĆ, Predrag VUKOVIĆ
From a global point of view, the Republic of Serbia has favorable conditions for cattle breeding and beef production, because there are favorable soil and climatic conditions, high production of roughage and fodder, available workforce, installed capacities of meat processing industries (for the production of beef and meat products) etc.. However, it is not the only, or exclusive, parameter of the development of cattle production, because there are significant differences in the racial composition and production potential of cattle in certain production districts of the Republic of Serbia. The paper shows the period of the movement of the number of cattle, as one of the potentials for the production of beef, and the heifers that provide new heads for fattening. In the observed time period from 2012 to 2022, it is in permanent decline. According to the obtained data of the calculated value of base and chain indices for the observed time period of ten years, there is no hint of stabilization of breeding and increase in the number of cattle for slaughter. The average number of cattle in the Republic of Serbia was 898 thousand head with a tendency to decrease from 2.5% to 3.0%. At the end of 2022, the estimate of slaughter outside slaughterhouses in December was reduced to 16 thousand heads, however, the number of slaughtered heads increased from May and reached its maximum in October with 20.61 thousand heads and in November when there were 26.45 thousand heads. From this data, it can be seen that the total number of heads has been decreasing since December, which means that there has been stagnation in the number of slaughtered heads.
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