Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Manan ASLAM, Zhiwen LI, Sidra NAEEM, Shoaib NASIR
Understanding market forces that shape up supply and demand of fresh milk. This research study is essential for smooth milk production and its consumption particularly in case of emerging economies. Therefore, this study analyzes those factors that influence the market forces: consumption and production of fresh milk in Faisalabad, Pakistan. To achieve the objective, we used multiple linear regression technique to determine the effect of determinants influencing production and consumption. Results of this research article revealed that the fresh milk demand was positively influenced by consumer’s educational background, fresh milk price, consumer income, family size, and family expenditures along with use of ICTs. Our study also depicted that the fresh milk production was influenced by factors such as credit facility, the strength of milking animals, sale price, concentrate value, farming experience, labor costs, fodder value, and ICTs. The study concluded that any intervention that aimed at smooth milk production and consumption should facilitate consumers and producers’ access to ICTs, reduce prices of fresh milk and provide access to credit. Furthermore, while devising policies, the government should focus more on consumers with large family sizes and illiterate households to overcome the problem of food security.
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