Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Rozi Liliana BEREVOIANU
The paper presents the analysis of the profitability threshold of bell pepper cultivation in the solar system in conventional farming and organic farming with proposed for the crop year 2022/2023. Thus, by using a system of indicators (specific indicators, result indicators and profitability indicators, production costs, capitalization prices and the degree of profitability per product unit can be estimated. Economic profitability is evaluated in terms of the use of production framework technologies in the production process and the rational use of raw materials, human and financial resources with the aim of obtaining low-cost and high-quality products. Agribusiness actions will always be based on crop profitability.The findings of the undertaken study can favourably influence farmers, giving them the opportunity to adjust their existing farm resources and capacities to achieve higher yields.
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