Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Carmen-Olguța BREZULEANU, Roxana MIHALACHE, Mădălina-Maria BREZULEANU, Elena UNGUREANU, Alina SIRGHEA
The role of university education in providing access to the labour market (employment) is reflected in increased employment opportunities for the educated population. The relationship between the unemployment rate and educational attainment is evident: the unemployment rate decreases as one moves from lower to higher levels of education. It can be seen that the unemployment rate, in terms of its size and dynamics, is inversely proportional to the level of education: it falls as the level of education rises, and vice versa. The aim of the research in this paper is to respond to the need to teach students with practical solutions for getting the skills needed to be easily employable in the labour market after graduation. The paper used a quantitative (questionnaire) and a qualitative (bibliometric) analysis. The data studied through the research shows the need for final-year students to receive additional practical skills training for employability. Entrepreneurship education, in addition to the university curriculum, can provide them with a viable alternative to increase their chances of integrating into the 21st century labour market. The innovative character of the work derives from the concrete practical activities that supported the optional entrepreneurial training of IULS students from Iasi. We can affirm, following the study undertaken, that the development of such additional and adapted educational activities increases young graduates' practical skills needed on the labour market. The access to non-reimbursable European funds, which offer additional educational opportunities to students, must be continued in order to produce the major economic effects expected by the whole Romanian society, with the aim of reducing youth unemployment.
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