Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Irina-Adriana CHIURCIU, Ana Maria MORNA, Aurelia-Ioana CHEREJI, Daniela ȚUȚUI, Andreea-Roxana FIRĂȚOIU
The cultivation of hops, a traditional activity in the area of Transylvania, where the plants also meet good conditions for development, experienced a pronounced decline after 1990. The lack of funds for the establishment of crops and maintenance in the first years of vegetation, the special plant support system, the old varieties, the effects of climate change and the lack of an irrigation infrastructure have negatively influenced the development of hop farms. Despite the fact that processors have increased the demand for this crop, as a result of its multiple uses, in 2022 in Romania 165 ha were cultivated and a production of 191 tons was obtained, in only three counties in the heart of Transylvania, Alba, Mureș and Sibiu. Mureș County owned 75% of the areas cultivated with hops and 44% of the harvest obtained. At the same time, in the context of the decrease in local beer production, the quantitative and value imports of Romanian hop products also decreased. In order to revitalize this sector, the Common Agricultural Policy, through Strategic Plan 2023-2027 for Romania, has introduced a special Field of Intervention for hops and table grape growers (DR-17) which joins other interventions necessary for processing, for the establishment of producer groups, farmer training and consulting. Added to this is the support granted by Pillar I of the Common Agricultural Policy: Coupled income support (PD - 15), Eco-schemes (PD - 06) and Transitional National Aid (ANT - 5), which will represent an important support for farmers and will contribute to the increase of the surfaces and the production obtained.
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