Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Florin Cristian CIOBĂNICĂ, Elena COFAS
A local development strategy allows the active coordination of the development process taking place in the territory, taking into account local characteristics, changes in the external environment and allowing a positive approach to territorial development in an innovative way. Local development strategies are characterized by at least seven characteristics recommended to local managers responsible for development: vision for the future, creativity, flexibility, activity, created for action, orientation to change and orientation to sustainable gain. The purpose of this paper is to highlight both the needs and requirements of the inhabitants of the Snagov commune, respectively the degree of satisfaction with the public services they benefit from, as well as the development vision of the Snagov commune. To obtain the information necessary for the study, the questionnaire method was used, and the group of people related to the sample filled in the requested data and expressed their opinions regarding public services, infrastructure, community projects. The key challenge is to ensure a balanced and sustainable development of the territory based on polycentric development, providing services to the surrounding rural areas, avoiding the decline of the rural population and ensuring the continued attractiveness of these areas.
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