Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Anișoara DUMA COPCEA, Nicoleta MATEOC SÎRB, Casiana MIHUȚ
The purpose of this paper is to test the aggregates chosen for an efficient application of granulated chemical fertilisers of different types during the optimal period, as well as to reduce the time and costs required for the agricultural work performed. The experiments were carried out within the IF Raicsics Mihailo Dragan Farm in the Commune of Sânpetru Mare, Timiș County, Romania. Depending on the capacity of the fertiliser hoppers of these machines, we chose the tractor with which to work in the aggregate. Obtaining high-quality crops at the lowest possible costs can only be achieved through the application of specific, perfected technologies, which allow a superior utilisation of both natural resources and inputs. Therefore, comparing the fertiliser machines studied, we notice a difference in terms of direct costs due to the technological characteristics of each one. That is why it is very important to calculate the economic efficiency of the types of aggregates chosen for different agricultural works.
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