Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Anișoara DUMA COPCEA, Casiana MIHUȚ, Teodor MATEOC SÎRB
The choice of aggregates is also made depending on the direct operating costs. If two aggregates, according to the cost of the works, require the same production costs, the one that satisfies the requirements of the machine system is chosen. When performing works with different agricultural aggregates, the optimal option is always chosen, which is evaluated according to the minimum value of the number of aggregates that take part in the execution of the work or according to the minimum value of time, respectively according to fuel consumption. Agricultural aggregates, while moving on the ground, consume a large amount of energy, which is why the problem arises of determining, on a scientific basis, some constructive and operating parameters at which the energy consumption is minimal. The present work presents an analysis of the consumption and costs of mechanised works and materials used in maize in the territory of Gurasada commune, Hunedoara County, Romania, in the year 2022-2023, in order to optimize the cultural technology. The mechanization technology for corn crop in the studied area was realized on a soil with high fertility. The agricultural machinery used for the applied technology is the one that the farm has. The main mechanization works for corn cultivation were: land fertilization, land preparation, ploughing, sowing, weeding, mechanical harrowing, as well as harvesting. After studying the corn crop over a longer period taking into account the pedo-climatic conditions as well as the productions obtained, we can conclude the following: can be obtained good yields if a series of recommendations given in the conclusions will be respected. In order to obtain a profit in the corn culture, it is recommended to use drought-resistant hybrids with high production potential.
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