Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Khairul Hisyam KAMARUDIN, Mohamad Fadhli RASHID, Muhamad Azri SHAARI
The advent of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has profoundly impacted human behaviour, revolutionizing various aspects of life, including business operations. Rural Micro Entrepreneurs (RMEs) were said to gain significant economic benefits from the adoption of ICT in their business including increased productivity, sales, marketing, and ultimately higher income. However, not all rural entrepreneurs effectively leverage ICT advancements to enhance their businesses, prompting a need for further investigations. Derived on quantitative approach i.e., questionnaire guided interview processes, a series of field study have been conducted on March to April 2023, focusing on seven main rural pottery businesses from five villages in the Kuala Kangsar district, Perak. The primary objective is to assess the level of ICT usage among RMEs and identify the factors that motivate the utilization of ICT facilities. The study highlights that majority of respondents acknowledged the importance of ICT that allows flexibility to conduct business alongside with time and cost savings. By embracing ICT, RMEs in the study area not only improve their business efficiency, but also contribute to the overall local economic development. The findings of this study highlighted the opportunities for enhancing ICT adoption among RMEs for local economic development.
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