Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Casiana MIHUT, Anisoara DUMA COPCEA, Adalbert OKROS, Vlad MIRCOV
This study addresses a very topical issue, climate changes, increasingly present recently, with negative effects on our entire existence, with repercussions on agriculture and the way food is produced in general. In the last decade, climate changes have been increasingly present and adapting to these changes is essential. In this paper, two crops, barley and alfalfa are presented, and how these climate changes produced in the Sânnicolau Mare area during 2020-2022 had negative effects on the soils and, above all, on the production of barley and the number of mows in alfalfa. In the elaboration of the paper, the bibliographic study was combined with a series of laboratory analyses regarding the properties of the two types of soil identified. The idea was developed on the basis that we monitored the annual thermal and pluviometric regimes impact on crops and on soil evolution, through their distribution and through the specific adaptability of the plants to risk conditions in a short period of time. These climatic changes are obvious not only from one year or from one season to another: they appear within the same locality bringing obvious changes in terms of the amount of precipitation in a certain area of that locality.
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