Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Nasir NADEEM, Umar Ijaz AHMED, Choudary Ihtasham ALI, Sami ULLAH, Mohsin RAZA, Muhammad Arqam IQBAL, Maryam TAHIR
The increasing adoption of Bt cotton, known for its high productivity and resistance to pests, has prompted this investigation into its impact on farmers' earnings. This study aims to explore how the productivity of Bt cotton affects farmers' income in the Khanewal and Multan districts of Southern Punjab. To gather data, we employed a stratified random sampling method, targeting small, medium, and large-scale farmers in both districts. Using regression analysis, we assessed the influence of Bt cotton productivity, along with other relevant factors, on the annual gross income of these farmers. Results revealed that per acre revenue from Bt cotton, education of farmers, livestock ownership, tractor ownership and distance from the market have significant impacts on the annual gross income of the farmers.
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