Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Daniel NIJLOVEANU, Victor TIȚA, Nicolae BOLD, Dragoș SMEDESCU, Alexandru FÎNTÎNERU, Valentina TUDOR, Cosmina SMEDESCU, Emanuela JERCA
Food loss ans waste, referred next as FLW, has a great extent on the economic and behavioural patterns of consumption. In this paper, we aim to present statistical univariate and multivariate analyses based on a statistical study run during a period of several months in the Romanian territory. In this matter, the main purpose of the analysis developed in this paper is to determine several patterns of FLW phenomenon. This is made based on a methodology which comprises two main sections: the univariate analysis, consisting in statistical determinations of indicators and direct observation, and the multivariate analysis, related to the clustering analysis. The clustering analysis is based on the usage of hierarchical method, which has as final result the determination of clusters describing patterns of consumption related to food loss and waste. After the analysis was run, five main clusters related to food waste behaviour patterns were determined, with slight differences between food consumption habits, but with various combinations between the parameters taken into consideration. The obtained clusters offer important information for policymakers and stakeholders aiming to customize interventions and programs to target specific demographic groups or segments of the population.
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