Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Mykola POVOD, Oleksandr MYKHALKO, Bogdan GUTYJ, Valeriy BORSHCHENKO, Tetyana VERBELCHUK, Oksana LAVRYNIUK, Hennadii SHOSTIA, Ivan SHPYRNA
In the article, the intensity of growth and preservation of surgically and immunologically castrated boars of the РIС-337 line of English breeding, their fattening qualities, consumption of feed and its cost during their rearing and fattening, and the economic efficiency of using immunological castration. It was established that when piglets were immunocastrated compared to their surgical castration under liquid feeding, average daily gains increased by 1.41% during rearing, and by 9.95%, during fattening and improved feed conversion during rearing by 13.0%, fattening by 3.15% and by 4.90% from birth to slaughter. Immunological castration contributed to the growth of absolute gains during fattening by 9.68% and by 7.70% of the live weight of animals at the end of fattening. At the same time, immunocastrated animals consumed 4.52% more feed during their lifetime, the cost of which was 5.38% higher compared to surgically castrated animals, and taking into account the cost of vaccination, it was 9.04% higher. At the same time, the cost of fodder and vaccine per 1 kg of gain turned out to be higher by only 1.17%. The cost per head of immunocastrated male pigs was 8.30% lower in the growing period, but 10.16% higher in the fattening period and 5.5% in the results of these two periods. As a result, at the end of fattening, the cost of one head was 7.44% higher, and the sales price without VAT was 7.70% higher compared to surgically castrated animals, which made it possible to get 8.00% more income from the sale of one head of animals of this group.
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