Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Raluca Alexandra RĂDOI, Diana Maria ILIE, Manea DRĂGHICI
The chemical fertilizers applied to Romania's soils represent a particularly important aspect in ensuring a qualitative and quantitative production. The expenditures that farmers have to be able to fertilize the soil correctly and with a sufficient amount have become over the years increasingly higher. The paper analyzes in evolution, over two periods of time, 2007-2014 and 2014-2021, 2 aspects: the surfaces of agricultural holdings, by classes of economic size; the main technical-economic indicators of the use of chemical fertilizers in agricultural holdings, namely the expenditures per hectare of agricultural land with chemical fertilizers, in total and by types: N, P205 and K2O fertilizers, and the expenditures with chemical fertilizers to obtain 100 euros of plant production.The data were retrieved from the FADN platform and statistically interpreted using mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, growth rate, t-test of significance.The conclusion that emerges from the analysis undertaken is that there are big differences between the two analyzed periods, in both of them are signs of variations over the years and increases in chemical fertilizer expenses, but the second period, 2014-2021, shows a greater homogeneity of data, even decreases in the higher classes, while the classes (1) 2,000 - < 8,000 EUR and (2) 8,000 - < 25,000 EUR have increased expenditures per ha.
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