Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 1
Written by Gökhan SEZGİN, Muhsin ATAK, Buket KARATURHAN , M. Çağla ÖRMECİ KART
The main objective of this study is to examine the consumption preferences, trends, and purchasing behaviors of consumers residing in Izmir Province towards bee products before and after COVID-19. The main material of the study consists of online surveys conducted in March-April 2023 with consumers living in the seven districts of Izmir province with the highest population. The survey form comprises of three sections: consumption and purchasing behaviors of bee products, attitudes towards bee products, and questions on demographic characteristics of consumers. Since the first days when coronavirus cases began to emerge in our country, natural products that support the immune system such as bee products have been met with intense interest. The sustainability of bees and bee products in agriculture is always among the important issues. However, during the pandemic period, people's attention has been more focused on this issue. The value of honey and bee products, the miraculous food of nature, has been better understood, and this has been reflected in sales. If natural and economic conditions are favourable, this rise in the sector will continue.
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