Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 2
Written by Alina Laura AGAPIE, Florin SALA
The study evaluated 80 corn genotypes based on grain production under comparative crop conditions. The research took place within the ARSD Lovrin, Romania. The culture of the 80 corn genotypes was carried out in non-irrigated conditions. The hybrids were numbered in the form C0 to C80 (C – corn; 0 to 80 – genotype number). The height of the corn plants (PH) varied between PH = 2.05 – 2.7 ±0.02 m. The height of corn ear insertion (EIH) varied between EIH = 0.74 – .25±0.0 m. The weight of one thousand grains (TGW) varied between TGW = 230. 0 – 345.20±2.95 g. The hectoliter weight (HW) varied between HW = 75.20 – 84.45±0.2 kg. Grain production (Y) varied between Y = 5,027.00 – 0, 69.00± 20.29 kg ha- . Under the aspect of the variability of the studied parameters values, based on the coefficient of variation (CV), a high value of variation was recorded in the case of production (CV= 4.55874), followed by the variability within the EIH parameter (CV= . 4396), the TGW parameter (CV= 9.05588), PH (CV=5.677 6) and HW (CV=2.3956 ). The multivariate analysis (PCA) led to the distribution diagram and principal component (PC , PC2) explained the variance (PC = 44.857%; PC2 = 2 .495%). The cluster analysis (CA) led to the obtaining of the dendrogram of the grouping of the maize genotypes in relation to the main parameters. The variation of production in relation to plants parameters (PH, EIH), and corn grains quality (TGW, HW) was described mathematically and in the form of graphic models, under statistical safety conditions.
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