Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 2
Written by Luminita (SASU) CREINEANU, Alecsandra PARNUS (RUSU), Liviu MARCUTA
Rural communities face problems related to depopulation, lack of jobs, weak digital infrastructure, decline of basic public services. LEADER is an initiative to support rural communities, which takes shape in a Local Development Strategy with a role in using local resources in a way that meets the needs identified in the territory. The support of projects for smart villages must be encouraged through local development strategies that pursue various fields: reducing the depopulation of villages, providing quality services, developing local services, promoting digitization. The paper proposes the role that the LEADER intervention belonging to the Strategic Plan, which is one of the instruments of the European Union, can contribute to supporting these rural development projects, which can represent local initiatives and which can benefit from funding sources that will contribute to the identification of strategies and future solutions to promote smart villages. The information used in the work was collected, processed and interpreted starting from data belonging to the Bureau for the Financing of Rural Investments, along with insights from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, converge in a rich tapestry of thought at the paper's conclusion. Here, they weave forward-thinking strategies for the cultivation of smart villages, which are envisioned as vibrant oases capable of elevating the quality of life for rural dwellers. These innovative settlements promise to champion the cause of sustainable rural development, casting a verdant future where community and sustainability flourish side by side.
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