Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 2
Written by Loredana GHERASIMESCU, Stefan BATRINA, Simona NITA, Ilinca Merima IMBREA, Lucian BOTOS, Ana Maria DINCU, Ioana Alina HINDA, Florin IMBREA
This study investigates SAPS (Single Area Payment Scheme) beneficiaries in Timiș and Caraș Severin counties, Romania, categorizing them by legal entity type (individual, authorized natural person, legal entity, and enterprise), gender, age, and the respective monetary values attracted in each jurisdiction. Findings in Timiș reveal a numerical preponderance of individual beneficiaries, yet a cumulative analysis across legal entities underscores their quantitative superiority. Conversely, in Caraș Severin, the cumulative count of all legal entities does not exceedt hat of individual beneficiaries. Gender distribution in Timiș manifests as 70.5% male and 24.5% female, while in Caraș Severin, it is 7 . % male and 28.9% female, with statistically comparable proportions at a significance level of α=0.0 . Regarding age, beneficiaries uniformly exhibit a minimum age of 8 years, with noteworthy instances of advanced age, reaching 95 or 96 years. The rightward-skewed age distribution is explicable by a pronounced presence of elderly individuals within the cohort.
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