Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 2
Written by Sorin IONITESCU, Agatha POPESCU, Simona MOAGAR-POLADIAN, Nicoleta-Luminita GUDANESCU, Alina-Cerasela ALUCULESEI
This article explores the complexities and opportunities of agricultural value chains from international, European, and Romanian perspectives. Highlighting the importance of efficient value chain management, the exploration examines first the situation at the global level in the countries with a high economic development: USA, China, Germany, Japan and India, as a reflection on how global and regional policies impact agricultural production and distribution. Market dynamics of raw materials and high tech products and services in terms of export, import and trade balance was analyzed in the EU in the interval 20 2-2022, based on Eurostat data, emphasizing its role in shaping value chains. The European lens focuses on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and its implications for member states. The Romanian context highlights local challenges and strategies for integrating into broader value chains. From a methodological point of view, there were used various methods and procedures among which the main ones have been: descriptive context of the literature, trend dynamics in raw materials and high tech-products and services in terms of regression equation and R square, fixed basis index for showing the growth rate on the studied period, comparison method, illustrations in tabulated results and suggestive graphics. By analyzing case studies and current trends, the current research provide insights for enhancing economic efficiency, sustainability, and competitiveness in the agricultural sectors.
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