Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 2
Written by Andreea Lidia JURJESCU, Florin SALA
Legumes represent crops with multiple values at the farm level, from an economic and ecological point of view. The study evaluated the variation of biological yield, grain production and some productivity elements in field peas. The research took place in ARDS Lovrin, Romania. The experiment was organized under the conditions of a cambic chernoziom type soil, in a non-irrigated system. The 'Boxer' pea cultivar was cultivated. Fertilization was done with phosphorus, applied in autumn, in five concentrations (0, 40, 80, 20 and 60 kg ha- a.s.; a.s. – active substance). On each phosphorus level, nitrogen was applied in spring in five doses (0, 25, 50, 75 and 00 kg ha- a.s.). The combination of the two fertilizers resulted in 25 experimental variants, in four repetitions. Biological yield recorded values BY=0.800 – .640±0.046 kg m-2. Pea grains production recorded values PgP=0.09 – 0.604±0.03 kg m-2. Pea stalks varied between PS=0.584 – .026±0.026 kg m-2. Secondary pea production varied between PsP=0.659 – . 27±0.027 kg m-2. Correlation of variable intensity was recorded between determined parameters. Based on PCA, PC explained 72.664% of variance, and PC2 explained 27.2 7% of variance.
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