Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 2
Written by Emil MUTAFOV, Petar MARINOV
An attempt is being made to analyze the geodemographic picture in the rural areas (RA) of Bulgaria within a ten-year period. The authors of the scientific publication are based on the fact that the human population located in the smaller administrative territorial units (neighbourhoods, villages and small towns in terms of area and population) is of key importance for the functioning of social activities, which are basic for economic development in the country. The purpose of the scientific research is to investigate and analyze the natural growth (NG) of the population in the RA of Bulgaria for the period between the two national censuses 20 -202 . The results will present the temporary geodemographic picture of rural municipalities. Methodology in the scientific article is based on the definition of RA in the EU and Bulgaria. It is applied to the NUTS classification for grouping the above-mentioned regions of the country, calculation of the natural increase of the population by years is based on the methodology of the National Statistical Institute (NSI) of the Republic of Bulgaria. The visualization of the process - NG of the population in the RA is presented in tables and figures, in which the dynamics of the numerical values for a certain period in per million (‰) and their change during the study are indicated.
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