Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 2
Written by Daniel NIJLOVEANU, Victor-Dumitrel TIȚA, Nicolae BOLD, Toma Adrian DINU, Gina FÎNTÎNERU, Dragoș SMEDESCU, Adrian George PETICILĂ, Cosmina Andreea SMEDESCU, Alexandru FÎNTÎNERU, Costel MIHALAȘCU, Marian STOIAN
Reducing food loss and waste on each level of agrifood chain is a responsible action, thus each stakeholder on the agrifood chain must create actions that are related to food waste prevention. In this matter, this paper presents an analysis of a statistical study run on a sample of respondents related to food loss and waste on a consumer level of agrifood chain. The study takes into account both quantity and quality parameters and serves as a provider of training data for a model which will be developed based on prediction. Another important aspect of the paper is related to the determination of food loss and waste economical Another crucial aspect discussed in the paper concerns identifying economic behavioural patterns associated with food loss and waste throughout various levels of the agrifood chain. This data will be instrumental in training models for those respective levels. The study emphasizes the significance of raising awareness and taking action to minimize food waste across all phases of the agricultural and food distribution process. It also emphasizes the necessity of developing models and strategies to effectively approach this challenge.
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