Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 2
Written by Adalbert OKROS, Casiana MIHUȚ, Alexandru RINOVETZ, Sorin CIULCA, Alexander DEGIANSKI
The aim of this study consists in the optimization of some technological links of major importance for the sunflower culture to develop some technological recommendations, which allow obtaining high and efficient productions. The research was carried out over a period of 3 years, on a cambic chernozem. The methods refer to the effect of some technological factors on sunflower production and some of its morphological components in the pedoclimatic conditions of the outskirts of Timișoara, Romania. The effects of some technological factors on production were studied and analysed, obtaining useful information to optimize the technology of some hybrids in soil and climate conditions like those in Timișoara. Results showed that the 59,524 g.g./ha variant (N50P50K50, scarification+ploughing) produced the most – 2,6 2 kg/ha in 2022 and 3,4 7 kg/ha in 2020. Also, the N50P50K50 variant at 24 cm per row ranked in the best 5 variants, recording productions of 2,507-3, 45 kg/ha. The analysis of the economic efficiency of the production in different technological variants allows an adequate management of the costs to maximize the profit in accordance with market requirements. The researches related to this study fall under the concerns of obtaining useful information that will allow the achievement of superior, high-quality, and sustainable productions under the conditions of current climate changes.
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