Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 2
Written by Alexandru POPA, Cristinel Relu ZALĂ, Mihai GÎDEA
Oats are more competitive with weeds than most other crops, especially when both the seed rate, due to its high twinning capacity, and the sowing season that will provide the oat crop with the vigor it needs to compete against weeds, through a good growth of roots and foliage, which will be reflected in their shading. With all these advantages, weed control is an essential and timely factor in obtaining a high production and quality of oats. The purpose of the present work was to determine the reserve of weed seeds in the soil, since their number and germinating ability make the soil the main source of weeding of agricultural crops, namely oats; the structure of soil weeding was also determined and the positive effect of applying the herbicide Granstar® Super (25% thifensulfuron-methyl + 25% tribenuron-methyl) against annual and perennial dicotyledonous weeds at a dose of 40 g/ha post-emergence was observed. The research was carried out on the Ovidiu variety, during the vegetation period of 202 in Mircea Vodă commune, Brăila county. The degree of weeding in the oat variety Ovidiu decreased, as a result of the application of the Granstar® Super herbicide, from 47.2 weeds/m2 to 6. weeds/m2. The application of the Granstar® Super herbicide led to a very significant increase in production in the case of the Ovidiu oat variety, of 380 kg/ha.
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