Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 2
Written by Paula STOICEA, Adrian Gheorghe BĂȘA, Elena Mirela DUȘA
"European Green Architecture" refers to the implementation of sustainable agriculture that provides sufficient food and ecosystem services for both present and future generations. The conditions contained in eco-scheme PD-04 "Environmentally friendly practices for arable land" refer to the introduction of agricultural practices that have a positive impact on the environment and are aimed at farms with an area of more than 0.0 ha. The data was provided by the Agency for Payments and Interventions in Agriculture in Romania. The method of analysis was the comparative method, as well as the analysis of the structure of the cultivated and non-cultivated areas, the average for each county of Romania, the situation of the structure of the crops and the presence of nitrogen-fixing crops and protein crops, relevant indicators for the farms that applied for the PD-0 eco-scheme. The results of the analysis show that in 2023, the number of farms in Romania that have applied for the PD-04 eco-scheme is 46,608, with a total area of 5,789,746.35 ha, of which 2,934 were declared as uncultivated land, corresponding to 26,829.82 ha. According to the general agronomic rules, the crop rotation for field crops aims at an optimal crop structure as follows: 25% cereal straw, 25% maize, 25% legumes (soybeans, peas, beans, etc.) and sunflowers, 25% forage crops (alfalfa, clover, peas, etc.) necessary to increase soil fertilization. The paper presents the culture preferences of Romanian farmers in the year 2023, regarding the implementation of the eco-scheme PD-04 "Environmentally beneficial practices applicable to arable land".
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