Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3
Written by Dorina BONEA
In the context of global food security and the intensification of sustainable agriculture, triticale has become a relevant alternative cereal in food industry. In this paper, the status of triticale crop in the world, EU-27 and Romania was analyzed based on the data provided by the FAOSTAT platform for cultivated area, production quantity and yield. The results showed that in 2022, worldwide, the area cultivated with triticale was 3,616.7 thousand ha, the production quantity was 14,157.9 thousand tons, and the yield 3,914 kg/ha. In the same year, the EU-27 held 71.5% of the world cultivated area, producing 79.6% of the world production of triticale and obtaining a yield of 4,362 kg/ha, higher by 11.4% compared to the world yield. The main producers of triticale, by production, both in the world and in the EU-27 were Poland, Germany and France. Romania occupied the 10th place in the world and the 6th place in the EU-27 in terms of cultivated area (57 thousand ha), as well as the 8th place in the EU-27 in terms of production (192.4 thousand tons). In order to increase the amount of triticale-based food products, it is necessary to develop and use high-quality varieties that meet market demands, but also the development of new processing technologies.
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