Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3
Written by Florin Cristian CIOBĂNICĂ, Elena COFAS
Romania possesses both elements of significance for tourism and a multitude of means that can facilitate activities specific to this field. The distribution of these elements across the territory varies, with some areas having clusters of attractions that have led to concentrations of methods and resources for their development, while other areas are more dispersed. Furthermore, within the first category, local and regional development varies, with certain types of tourism activities becoming prominent, some of which are recognized nationally and internationally, while others, although equally significant, are less known and have fewer means for development.This paper aims to highlight the tourist potential of Dobrogea through tourism products. This endeavor is based on the study and highlighting of the material base necessary for the conduct of tourism activities, as well as the types of tourism products that can be utilized. To this end, we will present a case study focusing on a tourist circuit undertaken by students from Mihail Kogălniceanu Theoretical High School, Snagov, in Dobrogea.
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