Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3
Written by Volodymyr LADYKA, Yuriy SKLIARENKO, Julia PAVLENKO, Viktoriia VECHORKA, Olga BIRIUKOVA
Qualitative characteristics of milk depend on the genotype of cows for beta- and kappa-casein genes. An animal’s genotype for the beta-casein gene also has an impact on milk digestibility and human health. The rate of cheese yield depends on the genotype of the animal according to the kappa-casein gene. Genotyping of 349 animals of the Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed was carried out in order to establish the features of genotype formation by beta- and kappa- casein. The population of the studied breed (36% of homozygote A2A2 and 46% of heterozygote A1A2) can provide an increase in homozygosity by beta-casein (A2A2), that enables to increase the frequency of desired alleles under the conditions of compliance with the developed recommendations. The term of creation of a herd with genotype A2a2 is 10 years. For this, it is necessary to use breeders with the desired homozygous genotype and to cull cows and heifers with other genotypes. Breeding stock of the same breed (16% of BB homozygotes and 36% of AB heterozygotes) can also provide an increase in kappa-casein (BB) homozygosity in the next generation. Creating a herd with the desired genotype for the kappa-casein gene also requires the use of homozygous breeders. Obtaining animals with genotypes A2A2 for the beta-casein gene and BB for the kappa-casein gene will ensure boosting the economy of dairy farming.
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