Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3
Written by Ancuta MARIN, Steliana RODINO, Vili DRAGOMIR
Storage spaces are economic units where complex activities from reception-storage-delivery are carried out, with the aim of ensuring a constant flow of products downstream, in accordance with the food demand of people and of the animals. The aim of the paper is to analyze the main storage capacities in Romania, starting from general information collected from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and National Institute of Statistics (NIS)database. The research methods used in this study have been the bibliometric analysis, the "bibliographic analysis" and the statistical-mathematical analysis for the calculation of averages by development regions and counties. Romania's agricultural areas are large, the soil and climate being favorable. However, the infrastructure is deficient, the number of operators dealing with the storage of agricultural production is high, but the average storage capacities are rather medium or small.Medium and long-term estimates show that Romania will also be affected by climate change, which leads to the conclusion that in order to keep harvests in optimal conditions and ensure constant production flows, important steps must be taken to develop this segment of activity.The researchers concluded that "storage is the key point of food security around the globe" because it ensures the preservation of products in sufficient quantities and of good quality. Romania's membership in the European Union made it possible to use the specific instruments of the Community Agricultural Policy, majorly influencing the agri-food market, increasing the value of services for agriculture. That is why funds were allocated that allowed our country to produce cereals in quantities that exceed the internal need, becoming one of the most important exporting countries in Europe.
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