Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3
Written by Nicoleta Florica PĂTRĂCHIOIU (GHEORGHE PATRACHIOIU), Miruna Daciana CIUBUC (ION), Valeriu Cristian BRATU, Constantin Adrian SURLEANU
The purpose of the paper was to study the dynamics of the population as a whole and by urban and rural area and of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for a better understanding of the long-term sustainability of regional development, given that in a globalized economy, labor mobility and capital flows are dynamic, and regions that do not effectively manage the interdependencies between GDP and population risk losing competitiveness. The importance of the subject is given by the fact that these two variables can serve for strategic planning and sustainable development in the future. The study is based on the data provided by the National Institute of Statistics for the period 2020-2023 which were processed in their dynamics reflecting the growth rate in the whole period. Important comments were made on the population and GDP evolution both at the level of the South West Oltenia region, and in the urban and rural area. The South West Oltenia region is located in the South of Romania, and includes the Dolj, Gorj, Mehedinți, Olt and Vâlcea counties. It plays an important economic role. Its activity is based on agriculture and industries such as energy, but it faces economic challenges, with a GDP per capita below the national average and an infrastructure in need of modernization. The region is experiencing depopulation and an aging population, which affects its economic development. During the analyzed period, a general trend of the population decline was observed in the region, attributed to the overall decrease in both urban and rural zones, with Dolj county being the most impacted. While the rural population experienced a slight decline across the region, Gorj and Dolj counties demonstrated signs of stability or even growth, whereas Mehedinți, Olt, and Vâlcea counties experienced a sharper drop. Despite this, the South-West Oltenia Region continued its economic growth between 2020 and 2023, indicating an expanding regional economy driven by various industries, trade, and specialized services.
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