Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3
Written by Ivan PRYMAK, Mykola GRABOVSKYI, Mykhailo VOITOVYK, Yriy FEDORUK, Lyudmyla YEZERKOVSKA, Oleksandr PANCHENKO, Vitalina KARAULNA, Serhii OBRAZHYI
According to the greening index, the zero level of fertilization in crop rotation corresponds to biological agriculture, the first level to ecological agriculture, and the second and third levels to its biologisation. According to the ecological classification of cropping systems, the first and second levels of fertilization ensure an increasing, and the third intensive level of greening of the agricultural sector. The yield of crops in the crop rotation is significantly reduced in the case of chisel disc and disking tillage. Differentiated tillage slightly reduces this indicator in peas, corn, white mustard in the link with legumes and slightly increases in winter wheat and buckwheat. At the same time, the yield of white mustard increases in the link with buckwheat, but only in fertilized areas. In terms of crop rotation productivity, the mouldboard and differentiated tillage are equivalent, while the chisel disc and disking tillage are significantly inferior to the control. The highest indicators of economic and energy efficiency were obtained with differentiated tillage with the application of 6 tons of manure + N98P66K92 per hectare of crop rotation. It is recommended that in a five-field grain crop rotation, ploughing (mouldboard) should be carried out only for corn (to a depth of 25-27 cm), differentiated tillage for peas (to a depth of 18-20 cm), and disking tillage should be used for other crops (to a depth of 6-12 cm) with the application of 6 tons of manure +N98P66K92 per hectare of arable land and the use of non- marketable products as organic fertilizer.
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