Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3
Written by Alexandru-Dragoș ROBU, Stejărel BREZULEANU, Dan BODESCU, Carmen Luiza COSTULEANU, Radu-Adrian MORARU
The paper emphasizes the influence that the Common Agricultural Policy programmes and subsidies on the agricultural production in Romania from the risk management point of view. Agricultural production is deeply dependent on climatic factors. In the perspective of climate changes with increasingly pronounced effects, the European Union, through specific institutions and mechanisms, has introduced financial facilities for agricultural units that apply for insurance premiums for agricultural crops or animals. This approach is likely to increase the share of cultivated areas that are insured, following the model of the west states in the European Union. The present paper centralizes the technical-economic details of some studied agricultural units benefiting from non-refundable financing as a result of applying some insurance policies. Extensive research was made for this article in the North-East Region of Romania, managing to obtain primary sources data from 24 agricultural units and 53 insurance policies applied by these units. The units studied range in size from 148 ha to 1,910 ha. However, most of the units are of the medium-large category, their average exploited area being 521 ha. Moreover, the cumulative area of the studied units is 12,503 ha. It was found that for the 24 agricultural units studied, 80.75% of their cumulative area benefits from insurance against natural disasters. The total amount for the policies paid by the 24 farmers was over 400,000 Euro, while the total value of the settlements by AFIR was 230,141 Euro. The results of the empirical study indicate the increasing interest of large agricultural units in accessing non-reimbursable grants intended for agricultural insurance for cereal crops. The authors have identified the efforts that responsible entities support to maintain this interest, even if the way of organizing reporting and ensuring visibility needs improvement.
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