Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3
Written by Tetiana SHMATKOVSKA, Valentyn TALAKH, Tetiana TALAKH, Lidiіa AVRAMCHUK, Oksana AGRES, Iryna SADOVSKA, Andriy KOLODIY, Iryna KOLODII
The article is devoted to the study of the problems of the formation of the economic activity of the rural population of Ukraine in the conditions of systemic market transformations. The specific features of the current situation with the labour supply of agricultural enterprises are determined, and the prospects of the dynamics of rural population migration in the context of strengthening European integration processes in Ukraine are outlined. The dynamics of the rural population of Ukraine were studied, and the prospects for its change in future periods were determined. Attention is focused on the specific migration trends of the rural population, associated with labour flows not only in the territorial aspect but also between different segments of the labour market. The peculiarities of fluctuations in the level of employment in rural areas of Ukraine during recent years have been studied, and the specifics of market changes have determined several factors affecting its dynamics.
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