Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 3
Written by Anton SOTIROV, Simeon KRUMOV
The aim of the study is to investigate the spring sap of 15 different grape varieties during the spring season – April 2024 in an experimental vineyard of the Institute of Agriculture – Kyustendil, Bulgaria. The methods used in this research have been: physico-chemical and agro-ecological studies of the spring grape sap and determination of the oxidation sustainability of the sap for each studied grape cultivar, using the Pourbaix pH-Eh water diagram. 1) main conclusion is that the grape sap consists salt on the level of saturation, and this delicate equilibrium in water-salt balance must not be disturbed; 2) the sap is very susceptible to oxidation and adding of ascorbic acid as antioxidant in the soil will be useful for the common physiology of the grapevine cultivars, 3) ascorbic acid circulates in nature and might pass through the root onto the plant, moreover, the roots of the plants may synthesizeс ascorbic acid; 4) grape sap is a bio-indicator for contamination of the environment, and specially of the soil as cyanuric acid and nitrates passes through the root to the plant, but some other contaminators as Pb, As, Radiation cannot be claimed from the present study.
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