Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 24 ISSUE 4
Written by Jenica CĂLINA, Aurel CĂLINA
The present study addresses a theme of topicality and continues to be new because it tries to re-invent and update the data regarding the natural and anthropic tourism potential of the Ponoarele area in Mehedinți county, Romania. Although there are numerous data regarding the Mehedinți area, during the pandemic and after it, the tourist activity at the level of the region and implicitly at the national and even international level was subjected to new challenges, trials and realities, which made it fall back, reconsider and quickly adapt to new conditions. In the first phase, the work aims at an inventory of all the natural and human resources of the area, and in the second phase, the case study presents the reality of the tourist activity in the Pensiunea and in the town of Ponoare, during the studied period, based on which a plan of measures and directions that will contribute essentially to the popularization of the advantages of practicing tourism in smaller structures that can adapt quickly and that can obtain secure incomes in the new realities of tourism.
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