ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952


Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Stejărel BREZULEANU

Solutions and development proposals for agriculture and for increasing of business performance must be sustainedby an analysis of the factors involved in agriculture, of the causes which affects the development of agriculture innormal conditions, of the advantages offered by the natural and economical conditions. First of all must be analysedthe possibility of agriculture development function of human resources involved in this sector. In establishing theresearch plan we have in mind the development level of agri-foods units from Romania and in the studied area, IașiCounty, Romania and also the strategic priorities of this domain in the context of creating of new jobs in ruralareas. As gathering technique for the information presented in the current paper we utilised the explicative casestudy, because we wanted a deep and complex investigation at Societatea Agricola Moldova (Moldova AgriculturalSociety) from Ţigănaşi village, Iaşi County. From the main indicators of the agricultural production were analysedfor a period of three consecutive years the physical main production and merchandise production, and fromeconomical indicators were analysed: turnover, added value, revenues, expenses and profit. Based on this system ofindicators could be identified organizational structures, activity domains and products at which were recorded anunfavourable dynamics of profitability or a favourable dynamics, but which is not at the level of competitivenessdegree requested by the domestic and foreign market, giving the possibility of applying of some measures forincreasing of profitability of the whole economical-financial activity at a high level. At the end of the current studythe conclusion is that the society have a profitable activity obtaining profit in all three analysed years, respectively2010, 2011, 2012 resulting that the performance is a synthetic form of expressing the efficiency of the wholeeconomical activity of the firm.

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© 2019 To be cited: Scientific Papers. Series “Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development“.

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