Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 2
Written by Crina TURTOI, Camelia TOMA, Camelia GAVRILESCU
Most agri-environmental indicators subscribe to the general principles of sustainable development, in whicheconomic, social and environment are interrelated. Measuring sustainable development must be based on indicatorsthat indicate: (i) the pressure of society on the environment, (ii) the resulting environmental conditions (particularlychanges) and (iii) response to human activities, especially in terms of socio- economic decisions, respectively theagricultural and agri-environmental policies adopted. These indicators must be consensual and should provide arepresentative picture of the three dimensions of sustainable development: society, economy and environment.Equally, it is necessary that they should be very clear, robust and reliable in statistical terms and they shouldderived from the best data sources, harmonized in terms of methodology with international standards. Agrienvironmentalindicators must guaranty comparability for EU Member States and provide the opportunity forcomparability in accordance with the methodologies used by the United Nations and the OECD. At the same time,the selected indicators must be able to be collected timely and easily to be revised and update further on. InRomania, the design of the system of indicators to monitor sustainable development is closely linked to theobjectives and targets set out in : (i) National Strategy for Sustainable Development of Romania Horizons 2013-2020-2030 (ii) Reports on the millennium development goals (iii) Development Strategy of Romania "Horizon2025". The paper aims both at defining statistical indicators for monitoring implementation of agri-environmentalmeasures and identifying possible sources of data for quantifying them.
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