ISSN 2284-7995, ISSN Online 2285-3952


Published in Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", Vol. 14 ISSUE 3
Written by Casiana MIHU., Ani.oara DUMA-COPCEA, L. NI.A, Olimpia Alina IORDANESCU

Since ancient times, man has been preoccupied with knowledge of the origin and composition of the Earth, the great variety of rocks and minerals from which it is made. Over time, the Earth's surface has undergone major changes, changes due largely to various processes and climate phenomena that have succeeded in over millions of years. The term geological processes formed the rock new mineral deposits, which led ultimately to change the soil composition. The feedstock mineral soil resulting transformation is known as the parent rock or mother rock. In soils, rock or parent material, begins where biotic factor intervenes not exactly the depth at which the influence of living organisms (whether microorganisms, animals or roots, disappears. It is therefore the depth at which the content of organic matter is insignificant in terms of fertility of the soil. In the formation and spread of the mineral part of the soil, the first attempts were as starting point pedogenetical one or more factors, which led to a multiplicity of concepts and formulations. Among the first who realized pedologists such studies included the N. FLOREA, stating in 1985 that the formation of soil cover, in addition to pedogenesis processes involved and some geological processes that interfere with the formation of soil cover and they called processes pedogeological. To explain the genesis of soils and for determining their time evolution, both in natural conditions and in terms of their use by humans, it is necessary to analyze the specific and coordinated actions of all the factors involved in these processes (by Gh. IANOS and et Al., 1995).

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